Parent-Asked Questions

Questions frequently asked by parents

Neurodivergent is a term that refers to people whose brains work differently than the typical or expected way. This includes conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. Being neurodivergent does not mean that there is something wrong with the individual, but rather that they process information and experience the world differently.




If you suspect that your child is neurodivergent, it’s important to seek a professional diagnosis. This can help you better understand your child’s needs and how to support them. You can talk to your child’s pediatrician or a specialist such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is also recommended to reach out to other parents in your community for recommendations.

Supporting a neurodivergent child involves understanding their strengths and challenges, and providing accommodations to help them thrive. This can include creating routines, providing sensory support, and advocating for their needs in school and other settings. It’s important to listen to your child and work with them to find strategies that work best for them.

      • Be patient and understanding,

      • Understand their logic, don’t blame them.

      • Don’t expect them can be like neurotypical kids in the short term, it is a long path to develop coping skills.

Social skills can be challenging for many neurodivergent individuals. You can help your child by providing opportunities for social interaction in a structured and supportive environment. This can include social skills groups or playdates with other children who have similar needs. You can also work with your child’s therapist or teacher to develop social skills goals and strategies.

If your child is struggling in school, it’s important to work with their teacher and school to develop a plan to support them. This can include accommodations such as extra time on tests or a quiet place to work, as well as modifications to the curriculum. You can also consider working with a tutor or educational therapist to provide additional support.

There is also a tool called the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is a legal document that describes the child’s needs and the services to be provided by the school district that will best meet those needs. The IEP is an educational plan that:

  • Describes the child’s skills and areas of need.
  • Identifies educational goals to focus on during the year.
  • Lists the services to be provided to the student.
  • Determines the most appropriate educational placement.

The referral process typically begins with a discussion between a teacher and the student’s parent or guardian. This may include an instructional study team meeting, which may result in a referral for special education.  It is important to have positive communication with the schools, to let them know you are willing to work with them in reinforcing behavior and activities at home and communicating your observations so the support staff can be the most effective.

Many neurodivergent individuals struggle with self-esteem due to feeling different or facing challenges in social and academic settings. You can help your child develop self-esteem by focusing on their strengths and accomplishments, providing opportunities for success, and celebrating their progress. You can also work with your child’s therapist or counselor to develop strategies for building self-esteem.

It is also a good idea to participate in active sports or other groups activities to burn off extra energy, setup rules and routines, and accomplish goals they have set for themselves.

Many neurodivergent individuals experience intense emotions and may struggle with emotional regulation. You can help your child by providing them with tools for managing their emotions, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices. It’s also important to validate their feelings and provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves.

Advocating for your child involves speaking up for their needs and rights in various settings, such as school or healthcare. You can do this by educating yourself about your child’s condition and their rights, communicating with professionals involved in their care, and seeking out resources and support. You can also connect with other parents of neurodivergent children for support and advocacy.

  • Lack of social norm

  • Sensitive, and impulsive

  • Stubborn

  • Don’t want to be disciplined.

  • Hard to focus on “boring things”.

    • Frequent complaints and pressure from siblings, other parents, and teachers regarding neurodivergent children breaking the rules, being annoying or troublesome.

    • The child being labeled as “the bad kid, the weird kid etc.”

    • To decision to put your child on medication.

    • Neurodivergent children can be stubborn, and  don’t want to communicate or make changes in their behavior.

Remember, every neurodivergent individual is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. The most important thing is to listen to your child, work with them to identify their needs and strengths, and provide support and accommodations to help them thrive.